Capture measurement of SOLIDWORKS entities using eDrawings markup API

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Measurement captured in the text box
Measurement captured in the text box

This example demonstrate how to use eDrawings markup API to capture the measurements of selected entities into a text box.

This example is based on Hosting eDrawings control in Windows Forms

  • Run the form
  • Open any SOLIDWORKS or eDrawings file by specifying the full path to a file and clicking Open button
  • Measurement is automatically enabled
  • Select any entity or entities and click Capture Measurement. The measurement value is appended into a text box

using eDrawings.Interop.EModelMarkupControl;
using eDrawings.Interop.EModelViewControl;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CodeStack.Examples.eDrawingsApi
    public partial class MainForm : Form
        private EModelViewControl m_EDrawingsCtrl;
        private EModelMarkupControl m_EDrawingsMarkupCtrl;

        public MainForm()

        protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)


        private void OnControlLoaded(EModelViewControl ctrl)
            m_EDrawingsCtrl = ctrl;

            m_EDrawingsCtrl.OnFinishedLoadingDocument += OnFinishedLoadingDocument;
            m_EDrawingsCtrl.OnFailedLoadingDocument += OnFailedLoadingDocument;

            m_EDrawingsMarkupCtrl = m_EDrawingsCtrl.CoCreateInstance("EModelViewMarkup.EModelMarkupControl") as EModelMarkupControl;

        private void OnFailedLoadingDocument(string fileName, int errorCode, string errorString)
            Trace.WriteLine($"{fileName} failed to loaded: {errorString}");

        private void OnFinishedLoadingDocument(string fileName)
            Trace.WriteLine($"{fileName} loaded");
            m_EDrawingsMarkupCtrl.ViewOperator = EMVMarkupOperators.eMVOperatorMeasure;
        private void OnOpen(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var filePath = txtFilePath.Text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                if (m_EDrawingsCtrl == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("eDrawings control is not loaded");

                m_EDrawingsCtrl.OpenDoc(filePath, false, false, false, "");

        private void OnCaptureMeasurement(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtMeasurements.Text += (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMeasurements.Text) ? Environment.NewLine : "") 
                + m_EDrawingsMarkupCtrl.MeasureResultString;

Source code is available on GitHub.

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